If you have been living under a rock, traveling to the moon, or simply not born yet, there has been a little game called Pokémon Go that has been engulfing the country for the past month.  People have been getting exercise, making new friends, and visiting new parts of their city that they did not even know even existed.

The tagline for Pokémon is “Gotta Catch’em All” (I know all true fans just sang the word “POKÉMON” after reading that tagline).  This is every Pokémon trainers goal, to find and capture all 151 first generation Pokémon.  A man on the east coast has claimed to have caught all available Pokémon and has been verified.

>> I CHOOSE YOU: Your guide to Pokémon Go in Dayton

>> Local Pokemon expert shares his top tips

Now I say available, because the company that runs Pokémon Go, Niantic, says that they will be releasing legendary Pokémon at certain special times/events, making all current trainers froth at the mouth with the anticipation of being able to say “I am a Pokémon Master, because I have caught all Pokémon”.

But something amazing… no monumental… NO EPIC has happened, and it has happened right here in the Dayton region.  A Legendary Pokémon (Articuno) has been caught!  Early reports show that Kaitlyn Covey is the owner of this Legendary bird Pokémon and currently has it posted up at The Field & Stream Gym at Austin Landing in Miamisburg.  She is a part of Team Mystic and calling upon all her trainer brothers and sisters to help fortify that gym.

“On Aug 1st , at about 11 p.m., Kaitlyn Covey and her husband posted the video and pictures of the Articuno. People in my group started sharing the pictures,” Tony Hermes (aka DJ MASHT) said.

The group had roughly 100 members and within a couple of hours had over 200 new members with people from Australia and other places in the world.

“Many were outraged that Kaitlyn was given the first Legendary.  She claimed she was gifted it from Niantic, but oddly enough wouldn’t show any email proof because she didn’t want any personal info exposed,” Hermes said.

Yesterday, Kaitlyn posted a screenshot of the “email” that she got from Niantic, but it has been pointed out that it is a possible fake. The email has misspelled Articuno and said “Articundo”.  Kaitlyn is still a member of the group and taking all the criticism fairly well. Tony says, “I’m fairly certain that she has an Articuno or Articundo, but how she got it still remains a mystery”. Hermes goes on to say, “If you Google Articundo you’ll see the outrage on Reddit and even Kotaku did an article about it. Tons of gamer news sources have featured her Articuno.

So is this real or a fake?  Yesterday Niantic came out and said that the Articuno “was not from Niantic.  Its ‘SIC’ either a spoof or someone hacked the game”.  Read More HERE

The Facebook Group – Was: Dayton Area Pokémon Go! Now: Articundo Freakshow
